Friday, December 23, 2011

Denver Children's Museum

On the last day of preschool before Christmas, Lucy's class had a field trip to the Denver Children's Museum. Since parents had to drive their children, Chloe and I tagged along for lots of fun! The first stop at the museum was the Dress Up Room.
Next, we went to the Train Room.

With tables at the perfect height and lots of trains and tracks, Chloe did not want to leave.

But I carried her out, kicking and screaming. She stopped fussing as soon as we got to the Grocery Store where miniature shopping carts, shelves full of groceries, and a cashier station kept the girls occupied.

Lucy went shopping first while Chloe rang up her groceries.

Then, it was Chloe's turn to shop.

Lucy went over to the in-store Pizzeria to make me a pizza.

Once again, I dragged Chloe out of the store, kicking and screaming, to the Bubble Room. The sight of big basins of water and bubbles intrigued her curiosity enough to stop the crying.

Lucy, making a giant bubble.

Playing with the tubes oozing out gas to make lots of little bubbles.

Chloe wants a turn!

The last room we played in before seeing a performance of The Gingerbread Boy was the Forest Room. Chloe loved climbing up the forest path.

At the top was a big hole in the ground that led to some underground tunnels and dens.


In the fox's den!

There were all kinds of forest friend puppets, costumes and stuffed animals to play with.

Looking for some bees and ladybugs.

Lucy found a family of chipmunks.

They were all called Charlie because at preschool, Ms Sandi calls their chipmunks Charlie.

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